About Us.

In 2018, an exclusive and limited group of professionals with extensive experience in Business Development, Project Management, Legal Structuring and, Logistics decided to start Gulf Investments.

The principal reason is to take advantage of the multiple opportunities that exist between the Middle East and Latin America.

Historically, language, cultural barriers, among others, have blocked the effective closure of businesses with GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council), however, thanks to our knowledge, experience, and presence in the region, as well as a group of high-level professionals, we are consolidating opportunities that will undoubtedly generate impact and benefit, not only to investors but also to the Community where the projects will be implemented.

Goals and Mission

We are experts in Business Development.   We offer access to Structured Projects in Latin America safely and profitable in Equity or Debt Financing.

  • Real Estate.
  • TI platforms and software development.
  • Financial Services.
  • Infrastructure.
  • Opportunities in general.
    • Business Development.                 
    • Exports & Imports.                
    • Consultancy.
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Our Presence


Our Corporate and Staff presence in Qatar, Colombia and Panama constitutes the platform for our Business Strategy.


It’s no secret that Qatar is one of the world’s richest countries, and still boasts one of the fastest-growing economies.
Private and State Investment Funds are interested in increasing their participation in America.


In Latin America, Colombia is today the country with the best profile for FDI (Foreign Direct Investment)


Likewise, Panama is a unique platform for Doing-Business with the World, thanks to the maturity of its financial sector and its business-friendly legislation.